Tuesday, August 3, 2010

One of those days...

Have you ever had one of those days (week, really) when it seems like life really loves to kick you when you're down?
I had a tiny enamel chip off one of my back molars that I was intending to see the dentist about & for him to reattach my crown which had come uncemented from another tooth. So last night around midnight, I'm eating a banana when it started crunching. Obviously, that was wrong! Realized my tooth had started breaking off in little pieces. Great! Gotta make an appointment 1st thing. Wait...it gets better! I couldn't find my crown when I went to clean it so they could put it back in while I was there. I apparently threw the container it was in away without realizing while doing a quick clean of the bathroom for out of town guests! And the trash was picked up that morning! $1300 dental ware thrown away! *insert scream here* I don't have that kind of money!
Then today while looking at polish blogs to try to cheer myself up after booking a dentist appointment, I found out my name for this new blog is already taken! *cry* I Googled it, too, before deciding! It's spelled the correct way, so they're not exactly alike. But it would be too confusing to leave it that way, don't you think?
So I'll have to rethink the name or just quit it before it really begins. *sigh*
Anyone know how to make ~$1300 legally & quickly?

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